Saturday, February 4, 2012

January, Where has the time gone?

Wow! January is usually a slow month, and February is usually slower as, well, for me, winter endures and we await Spring.  But with this Spring-like hasn't been so bad.  We have been outside so much more than usual, and had a great month, which leaves me wondering..."Where has the time gone?"

We celebrated Carter's 3rd Birthday...

Carter's 3rd Birthday! Monster Trucks!

And Colby turned 5 months old...

Rolling, sitting up and...smiling!

Around three years ago an experienced mother told me a saying that sticks with me. "The days are long, but the years are short."  I tucked the thought away, but now I totally believe it!  I'm living it!  I can't believe it's been 3 years since Carter was our newborn baby.  Now he's our big boy.  I'm amazed at the things he knows and can do. He makes me proud, entertained and sometimes completely worn out.  But most importantly, I've learned more about love, care and family than I ever have in my life.  His love for his brother and Colby's fascination with Carter amaze me each day.  I cherish those moments because I suspect it won't be long before these sweet moments turn into fighting.  Haha! 

But back to the the saying above, I recently read an article on Kronos time (time of day) and Chairos time (special moments) and whether or not to carpe diem (seize the day and enjoy every moment).  Like the author, I've experienced a certain amount of guilt in moments I find unenjoyable and think to myself, "enjoy this because it will be gone so soon."  This latter thought usually brings me back to reality to handle situtaitons with patience and tenderness.  However, there are some moments (potty training) that just get my goat!  I will not miss potty training at all!  So I'm learning that as time is going so quickly to cherish these Chairos moments like the birthday party, Carter singing in the rain splashing in his rainboots. Colby rolling over only to greet me with the biggest grin I've ever seen in my life and falling asleep in my lap.  Rocking and singing with both boys in the rocking chair or playing tractors in the floor.  These moments will outshine those rough ones, and I know I'll look back on these quickly fleeting years and say, "Where has the time gone?"

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