Wednesday, March 30, 2011

It's a boy!

We're having another boy! We're all very excited, happy and blessed to have received a good report from the doctor that our baby boy is growing normally, and this pregnancy is going well so far. Halfway into it, time is flying by! We hope to welcome him in August (24 is the due date), and also choose a name before then! I framed our ultrasound photo. For those who have a hard time making heads or tails of these types of photos: his head is to the left where you can make out an ear, he is facing downward, and his spine is along the top, which makes his little bottom to the right. His arms and legs are tucked up under him, and we saw 2 arms and 2 legs during the ultrasound. He was a very energetic and uncooperative fellow. The technician told me to tell him to behave before our next ultrasound in five weeks where they'll try to see all four chambers of the heart and get a better profile picture. I'm so excited I get to see him again in five weeks! Then we'll be on the long haul for August when we get to meet him in person! I framed this photo with a little poem that I reprinted below so it's easier to read. Hope you enjoy it as much as I have! There are lots of special little poems about boys, which make me cry they're so sweet, and some funny ones, too. This particular one is going on our bedroom wall.

Little boys are treasures

Who are worth their weight in gold,

And charm everyone around them

From the time they're minutes old.

They're Mommy's little darling,

They're a special pal to Dad,

And they bring the very happiest days

A family's ever had.

~Author unknown