Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Mr. Gimpy, Bumped & Bruised

Yes, I realize "Mr. Gimpy" is not the nicest thing to call your son, but he's earned it with a week of tumbles like never before. Wait. It's only Wednesday. I'm locking him up in a padded room! Monday night after eating some hot dogs by our little fire outside, Carter must have turned his ankle. We didn't see it happen, but suddenly he tried to get up and couldn't walk. He couldn't put weight on it at all, but he also wasn't crying about it. We played with him inside and put him to bed. When he woke up Tuesday morning, he still couldn't walk and just cried, "hold you." I took him in, and our doctor wanted to take Xrays since we couldn't figure out which foot or leg was hurt. Thankfully, Carter is fine with no fractures or breaks. She said a virus from when he had a little cold could have settled into his joints or he could have a mild sprain. Nothing a little rest, lunch with Daddy, and a short visit to play with Thomas the Train at Barnes & Noble couldn't cure. I thought I could hold him in the chair and let him play, but no, he wanted down and limped around the table determined to play with those trains. He seemed fine by the time we left. We just took it easy the rest of the day. (Please allow me a quick interjection of thanks to Aunt Sara "Hey"! She helped through this ordeal of Xrays, and we couldn't have gotten through them without her! I'm sorry your job hasn't started yet, but I'm super thankful you were free to go with us! Hey, just for the record, Carter doesn't hate you anymore. He wanted to call you today.)

Then this morning he hollered for me as usual, and as I walked to his door I heard "thump!" He jumped out of his crib! He was just curled up in the floor bawling for the 2 seconds it took me to get in there! He has a huge rug burn on his forehead! Is it time for his big boy toddler bed already? No, where has my baby gone? That was too fast! We're hoping it won't happen again before we can get his bed converted. I was really hoping to wait until closer to his 2nd birthday to change his crib to a toddler bed. Maybe we'll wait and see, but I'm also scared for it to happen again. A couple of hours later, we headed to his class at the Wilderness Station. I was a little cautious about letting him run on the trail, and he did a good job staying close. Several moms asked about the knot with the scrape on his head already, so I told them. They had their own stories to share, which is why I love talking with them...surprise that their baby had grown up so fast, crib nets, locked bedroom doors and baby gates. Needless to say, after our recent ordeals, I made him hold my hand to walk down the biggest hill, but decided it would probably be ok to let go as we reentered the room. He ran ahead and...splat! Right on the concrete...what? Again? Please don't let there be any blood or missing more tears and another red knot right there in the center!

Totals this week: hurt ankle...1, red knots on forehead...2, scrapes on knots...2, tired sore little boy...1, tucked in bed! He either needs a helmet and kneepads or to get back in his baby walker! Just kidding. We're thinking maybe some new tennis shoes would help, and I guess I'll just keep reminding him to slow down. His new found speed is a bit hazardous!

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